Hello Pre – Kindy families!

Today we had lots of fun in the Pre Kindy room – both indoors and outside. This morning, Eva, Hazel, Henry and Oli created beautiful collages with assorted glitter and coloured matchsticks.

Braxton, Xavier and Henry had a riveting game that involved the honing their soccer skills; kicking the football back and forth to each other for at least 20 minutes.

Our new friend Theo happily played with the playdough, whilst Dylan made a fantastic person from wooden pieces, a hammer and nails at the construction table.

There were also some serious medical “emergencies” taking place at Pre-Kindy Hospital, with Charlotte, India, Mace, Amayah and Kianni all taking their roles very seriously as doctors. Braxton was also very concerned with making sure Miss Lyn and Miss Donna had a heartbeat! Thankfully we did 😊

Reid decided to wrap Marshall with bandages to make him look like a mummy which was very funny – the favour was then returned. There were lots of giggles.

During inside play time the children also had opportunities to try painting with a variety of kitchen utensils and acrylic paints, to build tall towers, cars and robots with large Lego, to create a shared drawing masterpiece with textas and chunky pencils, and to listen to Miss Donna read the large storybook entitled “Handa’s Surprise.”

In addition, all the children enjoyed Yoga in the outside treehouse/classroom with Miss Gabby, and they also had a further reading experience/songs and chants with Miss Lyn.

Just a reminder that Kindy photographs are taking place Thursday and Friday next week. Please ensure that you complete your orders via the envelopes provided in your child’s lockers last week. Let us know if you have lost your envelope and we can provide you with another.

For children who attend on Monday 16th September, we are having an emergency services dress up day, with the aim to receive a gold coin donation from families to assist our very hardworking emergency services workers, and to honour those affected by, or working to contain the current bushfires.

Until tomorrow everyone, take care, and be safe!

Much love,

Miss Donna and Miss Lyn xxxxx