07 5529 8744 [email protected]


Hello families and friends! Today we had lots of fun outside during the early morning. Theo, Oli, Hazel, Dylan, Genevieve, Reid and Kianni spent time climbing the tree house/outside classroom, making meals out of sand and water, and riding bikes. Hazel was an adorable fairy perched atop the wooden climbing frame.

During inside play-based experiences, the children enjoyed making collages with shredded white paper (which was fun to rip apart/good for strengthening hand/finger muscles), glittery sequins and coloured circles. This was particularly enjoyed by Amayah, Dylan and Oli.

In addition, the coloured pegs and peg boards was an engaging activity for Henry and Xavier. Following this, Henry, Dylan and Theo made interesting constructions with loose parts on felt board back drops. Eva busied herself rearranging the furniture (and people) in the wooden doll’s house, and Xavier seemed quite enchanted with the fairy forest currently set up in our Pre-Kindy room.

Home corner (cooking meals and playing with baby dolls) seemed to be a popular “family” affair for Mace, India, Reid, Genevieve and Xavier, whilst many of the children also enjoyed playing the board game “Tummy Ache” with MIss Lyn. They are becoming very adept at turn taking, sharing and being a good sport during this game. Well done!

Just a reminder that re-enrolment forms were due to be returned by 20th September. If you have not already done so, could you please return your forms as soon as possible to secure your child’s place for next year. Thank you in advance.

Until tomorrow, please stay safe and enjoy your evening everyone.

Lots of love,

Miss Donna and Miss Lyn xxxx