Happy Wednesday everyone!
This morning we welcomed our friends Lincoln, Colton, Luca, Myla, Dennis, India, Connor, Jake, Tanner, Noah and Harper. We all spent the day combined outdoors participating in a range of different activities and games. To start off, our friends spent their morning having free play which involved Indi and Harper in the mud kitchen. Connor, Jake, Tanner and Noah playing in the sandpit, Lincoln doing some drawing with Miss Bec. Colton and Luca spent their time riding bikes and pushing around trucks and Myla spent time on the swing.
After morning tea, Mr Andrew set up a little obstacle course for the children which encouraged them to take a risk and jump from a higher platform with supervision. Some of us were a little nervous, but once we did it once, there was no stopping us!
We then set up a drawing station with Mr Andrew, drawing different birds and animals. Mr Andrew taught us about the different birds, what they eat and where we can find them. Colton and Luca helped Miss Bec draw a house by describing where their garage and rooms were including the colours.
Miss Bec then got out some face paint, and drew the Aboriginal flag on some of our faces to help celebrate National Aboriginal and Islanders Children’s day. With Miss Jess, we had some spray painting in the colours of the Aboriginal flag. The children used spray bottles to spray paint sheets and pillow cases which we will eventually display in the centre.
Mr Andrew then played a few games with the children up in the treehouse. One game that he played was called Greedy Pig, which was a simple maths game about counting and learning about probability. Whatever number they rolled they could add to their money bank, however if they roll a 2 they lose everything. We really enjoyed this!
What a relaxed but busy day we have had!
A massive thank you to all the families for your understanding during this time. We appreciate it so much!.
Miss Bec, Mr Andrew, Miss Jess, Miss Aaliyah and Miss Alicia