Happy Wednesday!

This morning we practiced our counting to 10 again, using our fingers. We went through each number slowly and used our hand eye coordination to figure out how to reveal 1 finger as we count. Afterwards we sang along to a song called “How many fingers” which shows us how to count our fingers, clap our hands, count our toes and stomp our feet. The children loved singing along!

A few days ago we went for a walk around the yard, exploring and seeing what we could find. Today we went on another walk but this time the children each had a small bag to take with them with their names on it. We grabbed our hats and then said “Let’s go on an adventure!”. The children searched around the garden and the yard to collect natural items such as leaves, sticks, feathers etc and place them into their bag. The group followed each other and were very enthusiastic when they found something. They couldn’t wait to show each other! Children’s voice during adventure:

Lily- Look what i found Miss TJ, it’s a bird feather!

Asher- Ive got everything in my bag

Ellie- These little ones can go in my bag

Kaylee- Guys look what I found!

Zander- I got leaves in the garden

Once the children were happy with their collection, we made our way back inside. Miss TJ grabbed out some PVA glue and the children used their collection to collage a piece of paper. We have started to do a bit of collage in our room lately as the children love using the glue and having a choice of what items they would like to place on their masterpiece. The natural craft looks amazing! I could see that the children were really excited about this project as they did it all by themselves. We will display them on our wall once dried. We continued the Lego fun again today. Asher and Zander especially enjoyed the construction play using their imagination and fine motor skills to create. The children also chose to play with playdough and the playdough tools and exploring the magnets on the white board.

Although the children always enjoy the table activities, they always gravitate towards dramatic play in the home corner. This week I have observed the children playing “The Big Bad Wolf” game a few times. It has provided them with the opportunity to communicate the story line with each other and build on their imagination skills. Today they were hiding from the wolf under the tables and then decided to cook and make cupcakes with the play dough for the wolf. As an extension we watched a short story of “Three little pigs and the big bad wolf” on the computer before lunch time. The children were copying the line “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin” and pretending to blow the house down with a big breath and blow! I would like to extend on their love for the story by creating more dramatic play environments and reading more stories with the big bad wolf character.

Hope you all had a lovely Wednesday

Miss TJ







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