Happy Wednesday!

Our Senior Kindy children are becoming more and more independent each day. Today they served up their own morning tea using the tongs. During our reading time I noticed Kaylee and Ellie were talking about the Cranky old Bear story. Kaylee said “Show me your angry face?”. I snapped a photo of the children showing me their angry faces! At group time the children were showing off their amazing listening sitting like Listening Lucy. We learnt a new song today called “Days of the week” which names the days of the week along to the tune of the Addams Family theme song (fitting in with our Halloween theme). After yesterday and today’s interest in showing our emotions on our face, we as a group named an emotion such as happy, sad, nervous, angry and surprised and then showed everyone what that looks like on our face.

Extending on our emotions, at activity time the children played a pumpkin matching game. There were a number of pumpkin picture cards, all with different faces such as happy or angry. The group searched and found the matching pictures. Over on the other table we had Halloween theme play dough mats and play dough. The mats had a black cats, a ghost, a pumpkin and a spider on them for inspiration when the children were creating with the play dough. The children absolutely loved getting their feet painted yesterday when making Halloween craft. Today we thought we could paint our hands this time and make spiders! As soon as I told the children that they started to sing’ Insy, winsy spider’. We used black paint which was chosen by Asher to paint our hands. Once they are dry this afternoon we will be placing googly eyes on them. The children also had fun making beds in the home area play and role playing Doctors with Miss Brona, pretending she had frogs and spiders stuck in her leg and they needed to cut them out.

Before lunch we headed outside to explore in the sandpit. Miss TJ sprayed some water in the sand so that the children could use the damp sand to make sand castle and experiment with. On our way back Miss TJ new that the children would be hiding around the corner by our door as this has become a game over the last few weeks. As TJ went around the corner we all said “Boo!”. Ella pointed out a month clinging onto the wall. The class gathered round observing the moth before heading inside for some lunch.

Hope you all had a lovely day. Enjoy your afternoon!

Miss TJ