Happy Wednesday!
Can’t believe it is nearly the end of the week! You all looked amazing in your costumes yet again. Tomorrow, Senior Kindy educators are dressing up as “Old MacDonald had a farm” farmers and we would love for the children to join us for a fun filled day!
This morning our friends spent their morning in the side yard, role playing in the kitchen, drawing and cutting and climbing on the obstacle course. Soccer then arrived, so we moved to the big yard and those who participate in soccer did their lesson. Once that was finished and all of our friends ad arrived, we heading indoors for a group time with Miss Alicia. Today for group time, Alicia read a book that Poppy brought in called “Isabella’s secret”. We then transitioned to the tables for morning tea by singing “bee bee bumble bee”.
After morning tea, we sat down where Miss Bec explained our activities for the day. Today, Miss Bec was dressed as ‘Where’s Wally”, so we decided to play our own version of Where’s Wally. This involved Bec hiding Wally in multiple places in the yard, including on the slide, in the basketball ring, under the tunnels, on the swing etc. The aim was for the children to find as many Wally’s as they could. All children got a sticker for participating and the person who found the most Wally’s got two stickers. Today the winner was Lachie!! They absolutely loved walking around, searching high and low for the pictures of Wally. After about half an hour of playing this game, the children decided on free play within the yard. They spent time cooking in the sand kitchen, having bike races and pushing each other on the swing.
What a wonderful Wednesday! We cannot wait to see our little farmers tomorrow!
Love Miss Bec, Aaliyah and Alicia x