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Happy last day of September!

This morning our friends spent their morning in the big yard, climbing on the obstacle course, making cupcakes in the sandpit, swinging on the swing and engaging in water play. Once all of our friends had arrived, we headed indoors for group time and morning tea.

For group time today, we talked about what we were going to do today. Miss Aaliyah explained to the children that we would be writing letters to someone we love, and posting them in the mail. We then transitioned to the tables, where we all drew pictures and told Miss Aaliyah what we were drawing, along with a message for whoever we were writing to. On another table, we had playdough, making different letters, numbers and shapes. Miss Aaliyah then took half of us outside, where we played with the rainbow parachute. Here, the children practiced their colours by running to the colour on the parachute when it was called. We then decided to use the parachute as a mat, playing sleeping bunnies. The children pretended to be lots of different animals including lions, elephants, bunnies and giraffes.

What a beautiful Thursday! Don’t forget this weekend is a long weekend, and we will be closed on Monday.

Thank you,

Miss Bec, Aaliyah and Alicia x