07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Happy Friday!

Today the Senior Kindy and Kindergarten combined together. This was very exciting for the children as they had an opportunity to play with new friends and for the younger children coming into the Kindergarten room next year to get a feel for the room.

At group time this morning we read a story called ‘Moa’s Arch’ which was chosen by Ellie. It was a story about Moa birds finding the perfect land to live on after being stuck on Noah’s Arch. As a group we spoke about the natural habitats for certain animals and how they couldn’t survive being in a different habitat. The children all made a circle and we played a counting game where if you said number 5 you had to sit down. This was great practice for the children to wait their turn and practice their counting.  Transitioning off to our activities we sang ‘What do you think your name is?’. The children were asked to say their first name and last name.  As we were getting ready for our morning activities our Kindergarten friends Hamilton and Angelina set up two of the play spaces for the children to explore. What wonderful choices they made, choosing puzzles and drawing.


As we are getting ready for our Halloween party next week, this morning we set to work creating Halloween themed artwork for the room. Firstly the children had the opportunity to paint their version of a skeleton, using a picture of a skeleton for inspiration. This was a great opportunity for the children to be expressive, creative, imaginative and further strengthening their fine motor skills through painting.  Our second creative experience which is going to take a little bit of time, was working together to make skeletons, which we are going to hang from the windows. Through this activity the children used strips of paper to form into circles, connecting them to make a chain. As the children created these they used their fine motor skills as they manipulated the paper into shape, and they persevered with challenges, using their problem solving skills to form the chains. We cannot wait to see how they turn out, once they are completed.


Other play that occurred in the room included wonderful team work as a group of children worked together to create a giant train track. The children were so proud of what they had created encouraging their peers and teachers to come and look. It was great to see Angelina reflecting to another time when the children had made a giant train track in the kindergarten, commenting “It’s like last time Miss Emma.”

Home corner was a very popular play space for our friends from senior kindy. It was lovely to hear the conversations occurring between them as they negotiated roles, selling items from their shop and their general conversation. What wonderful cooperative, imaginative and social play.


This morning we also had our funky feet class with Miss Jenni. Today we practiced our jumping with two feet together from dot to dot, galloping, skipping, marching, along with Halloween musical freeze, and practicing our roly poly’s.


After our delicious lunch, it was time to relax our bodies through our quiet relaxation meditation, with some of our friends enjoying a nice afternoon sleep. While our friends are sleeping, the children after their rest engaged in a variety of quiet activities from lego construction, using our number identification skills to build towers using the connector blocks, exploring shape puzzles, using our imagination and creativity to draw pictures and felt board stories.

It has been wonderful to see all the children playing so beautifully together.


Upcoming events

Grandparents day on Monday 28th October

Halloween party Thursday 31st October

We would love to see as many of you there as possible.


A special note for the Kindergarten families. I have placed a note in your child’s bag or locker in regards to their transition statements I am beginning to write. If I could have these back to me asap so I can add any additional information that you think would be important for the teachers to know. Thank you

Have a safe and happy weekend with your families

Miss Emma and Miss TJ