Happy Friday everyone!
As Miss Emma is away on her holidays Senior Kindy combined with Kindergarten today. The morning play outside was lots of fun. There were buckets of bubbles set up in the top fort for the children to use themselves. They were blowing bubbles down onto the grass where other children were ready to pop them.
We came inside and the Senior Kindy children taught the kindy kids how to sing along to ‘People all around the world’ which is a song that teaches us to say hello in other languages. We had a group discussion on everyone’s excitement on Christmas and then we read ‘The Grinch, who stole Christmas’. The children were very intrigued by the story and expressed how they thought the Grinch was very bad.
During activity time the children enjoyed moulding clay using clay tools that help the children to cut and move the clay around. The children mentioned the clay was very hard, so we grabbed a bowl of water to dip our fingers into to which helped us pinch and mould the clay better.
At the craft table today the children turned themselves into Santa’s elves. We first took a photo of our faces, printed them off and then used paper shape cut outs of elf hats, gloves, shoes and clothes to glue together. For the arms and the legs we used strips of paper and folded them back and forth to turn the strips into zig zag strips giving the arms and legs a stripy look. They all had so much fun putting their elf bodies together and using pens to decorate their clothes. They turned out great!
The children loved the match box and wooden cars and trucks set up on the table with the car mat. They also enjoyed role playing shops and families over in the home corner.
We had out dance class just before lunch with Miss Jenni. We danced along to Christmas songs and learnt how to do backwards somersaults.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend
Miss TJ and Mr Ginner