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Hello families and friends and welcome to our day in the Senior Kindy Room with Miss Thais! Today we welcome our friends Ayla and Zachary.

We started our morning playing outside and the children showed interest in playing with the dinosaurs that Miss Donna set up for us today. Zachary was very curious about the names of the dinosaurs. Ayla was impressed by the size of the neck of one of them.

When we came inside the Room I extended their interest by doing dinosaurs activities. They had the opportunity to draw their own dinosaurs and also stomping the dinosaurs across the paper by using green paint. We also did some hand prints. While we were engaged during the activity Ayla said  “- My mom and dad are gonna be so proud of me.”

Miss Thais read some books off the shelf. Ayla choose the Book “The Uggly Duckling” and Zachary “Emotions in Motion”. After reading was lunch time. We had yummi sandwiches and salad today.

Hope you all had a lovely day!

Miss Thais