Happy Friday families and friends…

The Senior Kindy children were super excited to venture outdoors after a wet weather morning inside. First we settled on the mat for Yarn Time where we shared some of our favourite songs including Little Turtle, Row your Boat, Little Crocodile and One Little Rocket where we counted down from ‘five to zero’ and then called out ‘bast off’ and then landed on the moon for a space walk.  The children then pretended to be ‘astronauts’ as we made our way to the great outdoors.

The children headed straight to the bikes and scooters where they raced each other on the track and some friends had a free ride doubling on the back of the 3-wheeler bikes.  Miss Tj  prepared a fun little obstacle course for the children on the grass where they were encouraged to practice their balancing, climbing and jumping skills. Some friends made their way to the water pump and outdoor kitchen where they engaged in sensory play. The children filled the watering cans and buckets from the pump  and then made their way to the kitchen to mix sand and bark and cook in the pans. Some friends played hide and seek in the cubby house and patiently waited for their peers to find them.

Other outdoor play experiences included taking turns on the swing, pushing the wheelbarrows, role play with the dollhouse, climbing the mountain and sliding down the sides and racing down the green slides. Wow! What a wonderfully busy play in the outdoor environment today.

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Shanaya