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Happy Friday families and friends!

This morning the Senior kindy children had a wonderful time exploring the big playground and engaging in play with the Pre-Kindy children. Latika enjoyed counting and sorting the seashells at the discovery table, Conall enjoyed climbing the big mountain and then sliding down the side on his bottom, Millie kept busy ‘working’ as she filled the back of the dump truck with wood chips and Harper enjoyed a turn on the big windy slide.

Indoors today the children were keen to continue engaging in role play with the new resources in home corner. The children engaged in grocery shop play as they pretended to buy fruits and vegetables they had collected in their baskets. Conall and Millie were our shop keepers today. Latika then requested the baby dolls and bottles and Harper soon joined in to role play and feed and cuddle their hungry baby dolls. Miss Leesa sang ‘Miss Polly’ as the children rocked their babies back and forth. Miss Leesa then collected the recycled mobile phones to further extend on the children’s role play experiences. All the children gathered in a circle and had conversations with each other as they chatted on their phones. Harper said, ‘Hi mummy’ as she then pretended to have a conversation with her on the phone.

The children then gathered on the mat to engage in a counting and sorting game using the fruit and vegetable cans. Millie and Harper helped identify the strawberries, carrots, mushrooms and pineapple rings as they worked together to sort the items. Conall and Latika soon joined in and the children all worked collaboratively together to fill up the cans with the correct fruit and vegetables. This experience was wonderful for the children to practice  their sharing and turn taking skills. Well done friends…

Well… I hope you all have a lovely weekend and Happy Mother’s Day…

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa