Hello and welcome to our day in the Senior Kindy Room with Miss TJ and Miss Jess 😊

Today we have a total of 6 beaming friends! Ayla, Hendrix, Zach, Tate and our new friend Macy who settled nicely this morning and meeting her new friends and teachers.

Our friends Ayla, Hendrix, Tate, Zach and Rosie had so much fun outside exploring their outdoor environment! From using their might strength to climb up the net to sliding down the big slide and enjoying a book being read by Miss TJ, you could say they liked their time outside this morning!

After morning tea we sat on the mat and introduced ourselves one by one using a lemon as our talking stick to say our name and for our friends and teachers to say “Hello …..” it’s a fun way to get to know our friend’s names as well as our teachers 😊

We sang two songs at our morning group time! One was suggested by our friend Tate who wanted to sing the ABC’s and we all sang very nicely, and our second song was a new one, it was a hello song that Miss TJ introduced that we will sing each morning 😊

Miss TJ set up the train tracks (chosen by Hendrix) and drawings (chosen by Ayla) so after group time we could choose what we wanted to play with! All friends rather enjoyed playing with the train tracks, racing their trains around as well as driving their cars on the car mat! “racing car” Tate said so excitedly as he found heaps of cool racing cars!!

Macy, Hendrix and Zach liked free drawing at the table, Zach drew a great big bridge as Miss Jess and Miss TJ asked what he drew, he was very proud of himself as he did a wonderful job😊 Macy asked Miss Jess if she could help her draw a bird on the piece of paper and Miss Jess happily helped.

When it was time for lunch our friends helped tidy up the room and sat on the mat when it was done. Miss TJ grabbed her friend Lucy off the wall to show our friends what whole body listening looks like. All friends engaged well when being showed how to sit nicely and all did a great job at doing so 😊 Hendrix chose a book for Miss TJ to read “The Very Grumpy Bear” before they transitioned to washing hands and getting ready to eat some scrumptious lunch!

After lunchtime it was time to rest our bodies and restore our energy for our afternoon fun! That was some delicious afternoon tea! annnnnnnndddd OUTSIDE PLAY! Which all friends absolutely LOVE!!

We have all had a fantastic day today and hope you did too,

Thank you Senior Kindy for today,

See you all soon – Miss TJ and Miss Jess xx