Happy Sunny Monday Families and Friends !!! 🙂

Today we welcome in our Senior Kindy team Millicent, Harper, Myla, Lachlan, Bjorn , Ryan and Luna. – We began our morning today – ran, climbed, jumped, rode bikes,played in the sand pit and had lots of fun with our friends from Kindergarten and Pre Kindy. The children were excited to transition indoors for morning tea and indoor experiences. When we came inside for morning tea we went straight to the bathroom and washed our hands with soap.

After morning tea, we had group time where our friend Ryan requested Miss Gabi to read “What’s more scary?” – story book how was exposed in the yard this morning with another one –  He collected it and brought it inside for our group time. It is nice flap book that talks about a little boy Jimmy that goes to his jungle expedition, and along the story a scary creature comes across his way. The children all gathered on the mat to listen and interact with the story as they opened the flap and said what they saw.

To further extend on this interest Miss Gabi seated up a table with paper and colorful pencil and inundated our friends to sit and have a discussion about the book – then Miss Gabi asked our little friends “ What are you guys scary for?” and then draw it.  Harper, Luna and Myla said they are scary for Monsters – Millicent said she is afraid of Tiger – Bjorn says the snake can be dangerous  and Lachlan says he is not scary about anything –  wooow friend you guys are so brave for exploring your  feelings.

Children are little people with big feelings that they don’t always have the words for. So, books are a great way to discuss feelings and help kids learn how to recognize emotions – when they talk about their feelings or express them in an appropriate way. It shows that feelings are normal and it’s OK to talk about them and be comforting and helping children to manage their emotions. We also, supported by their increased language, thinking and planning capabilities skills.
Other play experiences today included imaginative play inside – with home corner, building with blocks, cars, making puzzles, drawing, reading books – and much more.
The learning experience today can be also linked to Maslow’s theories – He believes that if educators help children to meet their physical needs and emotional needs then they will grow into strong, resilient, competent adults.  🙂 that’s what we believe too!!

Was a fabulous morning at the Senior Kindy Classroom this afternoon.
We are planning to adventure around their room before they go outside for a lovely play in the nice and cold breeze.

Check out the photos

With Love xx

Miss Gabi