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Hello and happy Monday!

First of all, how cute do all of you look in your pj’s!! Thank you to everyone that did dress up, you look amazing.

This morning we welcomed our friends into the yard where we spent our morning engaging in a range of activities. We had cooking in home corner, climbing on the obstacle course, dancing around and snuggling with our educators. Once all of our friends had arrived, we headed into the classroom where we sat on the mat for a story. Today we switched it up with a audio/visual book called “pajama day”. We then transitioned to the tables where we had morning tea.

After morning tea, we sat on the mat and had a dance party which was requested by Zahra. Zahra and Poppy asked for Frozen. Once we were done, we spilt into indoor/outdoor play. Indoors we had colouring and decorating our own pj’s to celebrate pj day. Outdoors, we had playdough and dancing on the treehouse, however alot of our friends preferred to participate in free play only and play with the trucks, bikes and scooters. Our friends are becoming so good at going on the scooters! We then settled down for yoga where we practiced our breathing and calming our bodies.

What a Monday!

Love Miss Bec, Miss Aaliyah and Miss Tárn x