Happy Monday families and friends…
Today the Senior kindy children had a wonderful day of learning, fun and play. The children enjoyed playing with their peers in small groups and pairs as they engaged in a variety of child-initiated and planned experiences. Lachlan and Christopher enjoyed each others company as they engaged in role play with the doll house and accessories. Lachlan included his puppy ‘Chase’ in the play and Christopher included his ‘teddy bear’ in the experience. The children played make believe as they pretended the soft toy animals lived in the wooden house with the dollhouse family. The children displayed very good language skills and use of imagination as they negotiated roles and used their imagination. Luna and Myla then took part in doll house play as they pretended to be mummies and carefully set up all the furniture for the doll house family.
The children were then giving the opportunity to further practice their drawing skills on the large black board. Luna said, ‘I’m drawing circles’, as Myla joined in to draw circles and lines with the chalk. Miss Leesa then prepared the whiteboards and markers for the children to continue on drawing. Bjorn and Lachlan were excited to draw and express their creativity. Bjorn drew ‘small circles’ and Lachlan drew ‘big circles’, which he proudly showed off…The children then gathered on the mat to build and construct with the lego. The children worked collaboratively together to build a farm with cows, dogs, sheep and a horse. The children engaged in conversation as we discussed that the farm needed a fence to keep the animals from running away and the farm also needed trees so the animals would have shade. We all joined in and sang ‘Old McDonald’s Farm’ as the children role played.
Yarn time today we shared the ‘Baa Baa Blue Sheep’ story book to further extend on the children’s farm animal interest play. The children helped count the bags of wool and identify all the different colours of the sheep as they shared their thoughts, ideas and opinions about the story.
Other play experinces today included felt story play, transport play, role play in home corner, grocery shop play and baby doll play…
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa