Happy Monday Senior Kindy!
This morning our friends spent their morning in the big yard, doing obstacle courses, playing hide and seek and making cakes. Once all of our friends and educators had arrived, we headed indoors for group time and morning tea. For group time today, we read “Goldilocks and the three bears” before sitting down at the tables. After morning tea, we sat down and we put on Ninja Turtle masks! We pretended to be ninja turtles, and all sang the alphabet as a ninja turtle. We loved shouting as loud as we could. We then used our powers to move to the tables for our activities.
On the tables, we had three different activities. On the first table we extended on ‘dot day’ last week and made our own interpretation of a sunflower using playdough. The children had a picture of a sunflower on the table, which they then used paddle pop sticks and glitter to make their own. On the second table, we had a similar concept, however we made our own interpretation of a cupcake using our drawing skills. These types of activities are really good to show each child’s interpretation and ability in art. They become their own artist. On the third table, we had peg boards. The children enjoyed once again, making their own interpretation of different things. Some made their letter of their name, some made butterflies and dinosaurs, and some just enjoyed sticking the pegs in.
Today the children were so calm and so engaged in their activities, it was an amazing start to the week!
Love Miss Bec, Alicia and Aaliyah x