Happy Monday

Hope you all had a lovely weekend! Today we had just three children in the class..Ellie, Kaylee and Mia. It is so great to see our numbers building every week. The children enjoyed a nice quiet reading time in the book nook area flipping through the pages and stimulating their imagination. Ellie brought in “Where is the Green sheep” which she asked to show her friends while sitting on the chair. Miss TJ read out the words and Ellie either re read the words or added some more to the story. Very well done Ellie! While we have been sitting on the mat Miss TJ has reminded the children how we sit nicely on the mat just like ‘Listening Lucy’ with our eyes, ears and bodies listening to whoever is talking.

All of the children asked if we could play with play dough again following on from our Daffodil play dough experience last Friday. Today we added scissors to the cups and dough tools. They were very excited to give the scissors a go. Miss TJ demonstrated rolling out the play dough with our hands into a sausage shape and then cutting it into pieces. We practiced having our thumbs on top of the scissors and saying “Open.. Close” as our fingers opened and closed, cutting. Miss TJ did have to help a few of our friends readjust our fingers to help us cut properly. There was a lot of conversation happening at the table while we created with the dough…

Ellie- “Got to be careful. I’m making my own sausages. I’m making a caterpillar and then turn into a butterfly. I’m going to chop the big one and the little one”. (Ellie was using her left hand to cut with the scissors)

Mia- “I’m making a ball. Cake!. I make a castle. Open..close..open…close”. (Mia was using her right hand to cut with the scissors)

Kaylee- “Cut it, there’s your sausages. Open..close..open..close”. Kaylee used the cup to use as a cookie cutter making a circle shape in the dough and said “Button”. (Kaylee was using her right hand to cut with the scissors)

Kaylee asked we could then play in the home corner. Ellie and Mia both agreed with Kaylee. Mia enjoyed chopping up the Velcro fruit and vegetables while Kaylee and Ellie had a big chat on the phones..

Ellie- ” Ring ring”. Kaylee- “You been the office?”

Ellie- “Nope”. Kaylee- “Say cheeeese”

Ellie- “Ive just been at the police office looking after food and my baby”

Before lunch we packed away singing along to our clean up song, grabbed our hats and went outside under the fort to the sandpit area. We had lots of fun on the swings and finding ‘TREASURE’ around in the sand such as sticks, toys and bits and bobs.

We then spent lunch and a nice relaxing rest time in  Pre Kindy room.

Have a lovely afternoon everyone

Miss TJ