Welcome back to another week at Kindy and happy Monday! Senior Kindy and Kindergarten were combined again today.
This morning our group time was all about sharing with each other what we did over the weekend. It was great to see the children so confident to come up and share their stories. Children’s voices:
Elliott- I gone to the beach. I some shells and caught a fish!
Levi- Went to dreamworld. Got candy. Saw Mr G there.
Jacob- Went to Grandma’s and Poppy’s house. Went to the beach. Swam in my pool.
Emily- Went to New Zealand. Wen to cousin house. Played games. Got a new dog. Now we have two dogs.
Astrid- Went to the beach and found beach unicorns. Went tom the shops and found a unicorn toy.
Kaylee- (She said she was turning 1 years old on her birthday which is this Thursday on Halloween)
Last week we read a few Fairy tale stories which the children absolutely loved. Today we decided to read another Fairy Tale called, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. While reading through the story Astrid already knew what the giant would say and said “Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of a little boy”. Jaxon had a question on why the boy kept stealing the giant’s gold. Levi was curious as to what ‘rich’ meant. We had a group discussion answering everyone’s curious questions and all agreed that ‘Jack’ should not have been stealing from the Giant.
During activity time all of the children were really engrossed in the table activities. As it is Grandparents and Special friend’s afternoon tea this afternoon, we decided to make a craft for some one special. Miss TJ wrote ‘I love you to pieces’ with a love heart on a piece of paper. It was then the children job to cut and glue pieces of colourful crepe paper onto the love heart and write their name on the bottom. They look beautiful!
Halloween is this coming Thursday. So, to get into the spirit we did a Pumpkin Halloween craft using orange pumpkin shape cut outs, green steam shape cut outs and coloured pens to make our own unique masterpiece. The group of children really enjoyed this activity, giving their pumpkins face a lot of thought. We will be displaying them in our classroom!
On the third activity table we had sticky yellow play dough with glitter and rocks to use to create. The children loved the texture of the play dough as it was a bit sticky. We added a sprinkle of flour onto the table for the children to knead their dough into.
During free play the children had fun over in the home corner area role playing shops and families. A few friends enjoyed counting the orange gems and lining them up in rows. Before lunch Miss Gabby came for our Yoga Lesson. Today we focused on getting rid of any bad energy that makes us feel sad, angry or just not good inside. Miss Gabby read us an Animal Yoga ABC story where we practiced certain animal poses such as A for Amardillo, B for Butterfly, C for Crocodile and D for Dog. We had a nice finish to the lesson relaxing on the mats with light rice filled weights over our eyes as Gabby brushed our arms and legs with her special magic feather.
Coming inside we had a group time with Miss Emma, who asked us “What was your favourite part of the day?”. Children’s responses:
Harper- Play dough. I made a unicorn.
Levi- Doing a pumpkin. I did bat and vampire. Pizza out of play dough.
Jacob- Playing with play dough
Elliott- Playing with play dough and doing a pumpkin.
Jaxon- Doing a pumpkin.
Astrid- Making my beautiful pumpkin
Layla- Playing in home corner and with the play dough
Hope you all had a lovely day. We are looking forward to this afternoon for our Grandparents and Special friend’s afternoon tea.
Reminder: Halloween Dress up day on Thursday 31st October and Halloween party Thursday Evening 31st October (5pm start)
Miss TJ and Miss Emma