Happy Monday families and friends…

Today the Senior Kindy children had a wonderful day fun, learning and play with their peers. The children have  been developing beautiful friendships over the past few weeks and are excited to see their peers on arrival to kindy. This morning Myla and Luna enjoyed each others company as they engaged in baby doll play with the bottles. The children role played and pretended to be ‘mummies’ as they fed the dolls and gave their babies cuddles. Luna sang to her baby as Myla joined in and sang ‘Twinkle, twinkle little star’ too.  Lachlan and Bjorn chose transport play on the mat as they worked together to set up the transport and emergency stations. The children engaged in conversation as they pretended to be police officers and fire men. Lachlan called out siren sounds and said, ‘follow me’ as Bjorn chased Lachlan’s police car down the ramp of the police station.

The children then made their way to the table to take turns to engage in fluro pen painting and oil pastel crayon drawing as we continue to encourage and further the develop the children’s fine motor hand/eye coordination skills. The children carefully squeezed the paint pens and then spread the paint all over their page. Lachlan decided to create patterns by ‘stamping’ the paint pens on his page. Bjorn expressed his creativity by spreading the paint back and forth on his page to create a ‘rainbow’. Luna and Myla waited patiently for their turn to paint as they engaged in role play in home corner pretending to cook and clean in the kitchen. Lachlan and Bjorn moved onto practicing their drawing skills with the oil pastel crayons as Luna and Myla painted.

The children then helped pack away as we all settled on the mat for stories and puppets time. Today we shared ‘There’s a Hippo on our Roof eating Cake’ and sang along to 5 Little Speckled Frogs, 5 Little Dinosaurs, What do you think my name is? and Row your Boat. The children love sharing the puppets and felts and choosing their favourite songs to sing with their peers. Lunch time the children enjoyed home made sausage rolls and salad. The children are really enjoying the new Winter menu at kindy…

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa