😊Happy Thursday! 😊
Only 3 more sleeps until Easter!
HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY TO COLTON! We sang happy birthday with a pretend play dough cake and candles!
What a fabulously fun day we have had to finish off the week. All three classes joined together and enjoyed our planned Easter activities that were set out for the day and enjoyed each other’s company. Miss Jess organised some sponge painting on Easter eggs to start off the celebrations. The children love using the sponges to paint dots on their egg. Miss TJ had an Easter face painting station set up where the children chose an Easter picture to have on either their faces or arms. “That’s cold” and “That tickles” the children were saying as they sat patiently still. They were very excited when looking at the end result through the mirror. For our morning group time we stretched together in a circle in Senior Kindy room. We sat the children down to have discussions about Easter weekend and what we had planned for the day. First up, an Easter parachute game! We separated in two groups with Mr Andrew and Miss TJ where we played a variety of parachute games using plastic eggs to bounce around in the middles. It was a great test for the children to listen to the instructions and the task given. The best part was shaking the parachute around and watching the eggs bounce around like popcorn!
While we were playing our game the sneaky Easter Bunny had hidden some eggs around the yard. The children were SO EXCITED, it was time for an Easter Egg Hunt! The children were given instructions to find two eggs and then bring them back to the mat. They had so much fun and were great at listening to the rules of finding only two eggs each. They were very proud of their achievements! We placed the eggs in their bags to eat at home once our parents say it is okay. It was then time for our DISCO party with dress ups that Miss TJ brought in to share, a photobooth area and fun Easter and party songs! It was so much fun dressing up all together and bouncing around together. The children chased Batman (AKA Mr Andrew) around the yard! The children were also invited to participate in an Easter Egg and spoon race where they had to balance one of the plastic eggs on a spoon to the cones and back. It was great watching the children cheering on each other and their teachers and staying positive when the eggs fell to the floor. It was great hand eye coordination practice while we have fun!
It has been such a great day 😊 Miss Livia, Miss TJ, Miss Jess and Mr Andrew had so much fun goofing around with the children and just having fun! We are so thankful for all your wonderful and kind children. We hope that you all have a lovely and safe Easter long weekend 😊
Love from your educators! xx