Good afternoon friends and families

This morning we enjoyed a lovely long play outside in the yard before making our way inside for a big group time. We sang along to our two morning songs to start it off. This time we added the music to sing along with and the children loved it. Kaylee said “More”. We agreed that we would play some more nursery rhymes and songs in the afternoon when we while we are waking up. Our new friend Jaxon chose the book this morning. It was called ‘Flashing Fire Engines’. While reading through the story the children helped me name some of the equipment that the fire fighters use such as helmets, hose, shoes and coat. Before heading to our activities, we sang along to ‘5 Little Speckled Frogs’ using the felt boards. We practiced using our fingers to count and made sure TJ wasn’t trying to trick us with different numbers. We transitioned playing a game of sleeping tadpoles and frogs.

During activity time we had a visit from Miss Gabby. We played a fun game of Doctors where we used the Doctor kit to help Miss Gabby who was very sick. Mia made Miss Gabby “Spider” tea for her to drink as a medicine. This morning the children were loving the goop messy play that was set up. We decided to continue the messy fun by bringing the tub full of goop inside. Children’s voice:

Zander- It’s sticky

Asher- I’m covering the frog’s up

Jaxon- Sticky goopy. Yuck!

Ellie- Wahh! He’s crying. He’s sinking!

Zahra- Gooey. The frogs look gooey. My hands are stuck!

The children also enjoyed the sensory bottles and coloured pieces that were placed on the table for exploring. The bottles were filled with liquid and all sorts of different items. The children were mesmerised by the colours and sounds they made when moving them around.  Children’s voice:

Chihiro- Look at my eyes. I made a rocket.

On the mat we had our building blocks for the children to use their problem solving and creativity skills. Children’s voice:

Kaylee- A tower Queen. Ta da!

Jaxon- Oh no! It broke down.

We had a fun time at our Arakan Martial Arts lesson. Racing each other and getting really good at listening to the instructions! We had a nice play in the sand pit feeling the sand between our toes before heading back inside for lunch!

Have a great afternoon

Miss TJ