Good afternoon friends and family! The children were all so welcoming to TJ this morning with lots of hugs after TJ has been away because of illness. Asher told TJ “I missed you”. What a caring and sweet class!
This morning we sang and danced along to the Lion King soundtrack with Miss Donna. We even found some instruments like the bongo drums and shakers to play along with the music. Ellie and Zahra were giggling away at a jumping game they made up where they had to jump from the bricks to the cement. Once inside we had a delicious morning tea and then started our Arakan Martial Arts lesson. Today we learnt how to block with our hands. We learnt how to protect our nose and our ears with our hands. The children did a series of hits and blocks then finished off with running races.
To celebrate SCIENCE WEEK today we experimented with water colours. We used eye droppers to suck up the red, blue, green and yellow water colours and then carefully squirt onto our pieces of paper. Miss TJ demonstrated to us how to get the water colour paint into the tube and then the children had a go. This was a great activity for their fine motor skills pinching the top of the eye dropper tubes. We first drew pictures using crayons and then the children were so excited to use the water colours. They enjoyed watching the colours mix and expand in different shapes and sizes on their paper. After putting the colour all over our paper we sprinkles salt to absorb the liquid. Children voice:
Ellie- “Now I’m going to use the Red. I’m going to be gentle. Now I’m going to use sugar”
Zahra- “its squirting”
Chihiro- “A monster”
Zander- “That’s Mickey mouse. I made a big eye”
Asher- “That’s my name. Haha a fish”
Some other activities that the children enjoyed were home corner, animal kingdom sensory area, building tall towers with the shape blocks and watching them fall, creating pictures with our peg board and role playing families in the teepee.
Before lunch we had a group time on the mat where our friend Chihiro shared her family photo that she brought in for our Family Tree. Chi told us all her family members names and showed us her pretty flowers by her house. Thank you for sharing Chi and being so brave talking in front of the class. We then played a game of ‘Sleeping Animals’. We pretended we were bunnies, snakes, tigers, birds and crocodiles. We sang our new favourite song too called ’10 little Indians’. To finish off our group time we all found a spot on the mat to lay down and do 5 Belly breaths. The class really does benefit from doing Belly breathing, it calms our bodies down ready for lunch and a rest.
Hope you all had a lovely day
Miss TJ