Thursday 19th September, 2019
Today we had Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Show. While waiting for the show the children were sitting so patiently waiting with each other on the mat. Ellie and Chihiro were sharing secrets whispering into each other’s ears. To start of the show, we got to meet Ditto the lion cub. Zahra grabbed onto Miss TJ as she was a bit unsure at first, but soon relaxed when she knew everything was okay. During the show we learnt about ‘Yes feelings’ and ‘No feelings’, the warning signs and what to do when we feel unsafe. We sang and danced along to two songs reminding us of what we learnt. If you don’t feel safe, you say NO! then you run and tell someone. At the end we had a group photo with Ditto and even got a Keep Safe sticker to take home.
Back into the classroom we went holding hands with a partner. Zander asked if we could play with the play dough tools and play dough today. Great idea Zander! The children loved using the hammer and rolling pin tools to mould the dough. Children’s voice:
Lily- “I made an Octopus. This is for the pirate to take to the boat. It’s the bag of treasure”
Chihiro- “It’s so squishy”
Ellie and Zahra were having fun building tall towers with the small blocks this morning when we came inside so we decided to extend on their interest by adding more building blocks onto the mat to create more opportunities for problem solving and creativity. Children’s voice:
Zahra- “Look TJ it’s a castle”
Chihiro- “It’s going to wobble”
Zander and Asher enjoyed playing with the doll house today role playing with the wooden people and moving up and down on the different levels of the house. Children’s voice:
Zander- Where’s my mummy”
Asher- “I’m right here”
The children wanted to help Miss TJ wipe down the tables squeaky clean at pack away time.
It was then time for us to head over to the other classroom again for our class photos. I was super proud of the children as they were so calm and listened to each instruction. The photos are going to look great! Don’t forget to order them if you haven’t done so.
We also had a visit from Arakan Martial arts.
At group time we made a big circle holding hands. We went around the circle asking each child what song they would like to sing. It is so great that the Senior Kindy children love getting involved in music and movement and are learning more and more songs everyday! Chihiro chose to sing ‘Mary had a little lamb’ which she sang with such confidence. Lily chose to sing ‘5 little ducks’. Asher asked for ‘ABC’. Ellie asked for ‘Crabs and Seashells’. Zahra wanted to sing ’10 little Indians’ and our lucky last friend Zander asked to sing ‘Insy Winsy Spider’.
At rest time Miss TJ tucked everyone in like a cocoon and we said that when we get up, we will be beautiful butterflies.
Hope you all have a lovely afternoon
Miss TJ