07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hello families and Happy July!

This year is just flying by!! This morning we welcomed Rumi, Dominic, Parker, Lincoln, Zahra, Luca, Isabelle, Alia, Tua and Hudson into the room. We spent the morning indoors again due to the weather. Indoors we helped Miss Bec take down alot of the artwork, so we can start fresh and put it in your books. We had a playdough table set up and a coloured counters and trays set up too. The children enjoyed free play, roaming from one activity to another. Before we knew it, all of our friends had arrived, and so had morning tea, so we quickly packed away, washed our hands and sat down at the tables.

After morning tea, we sat on the mat talking about our families, and for those children who were not here yesterday, we spoke about what they did yesterday. Group time is a great aspect of the day, as conversations just go on and the children extend on their ideas together. For example if Parker says he went to the zoo, Isabelle will start talking about the time that she went to the zoo. Miss Bec will then ask questions about that particular topic. This could be recalling events, or it could be the child’s imagination, however both are effective!

We then ventured to the tables where we did some chalk drawing on the chalk boards. We worked on recognising letters and numbers that Miss Aaliyah drew on the board. Some children decided to play with the connector blocks, seeing who could make the biggest and longest line. Tua enjoyed playing with the animals and Isabelle enjoyed playing in home corner with Alia, putting babies to bed and washing them in the bath.

What a day for a dance party! We used a dance party today to get out the children’s energy, where they would usually do this outdoors in the sunshine. Parker requested gummy bear, Alia requested party freeze, and Luca requested anything by Cocomelon. Rumi enjoyed dancing and singing along to the alphabet and the rainbow song.

We had a little bit of sunshine, so the children ran outside, which lasted a solid 15 minutes before the rain hit again, but in this time they had a bit of a run, lots of jumping off the obstacle course. The ground was a little slippery, but the children found much amusement in landing on their bottoms and sliding along the mats.

Happy Thursday everyone!

Love Miss Bec and Miss Aaliyah x