Happy Thursday families and friends…
Today in the Senior Kindy room the children were excited to share during Yarn Time what costume they were going to dress-up in after morning tea.The children decided they were going to be Doctors and Nurses and help take care of the babies in the pretend hospital. Some friends said they were going to be chefs and wear the hats and oven mitts to cook in the home corner kitchen. While some of the Senior Kindy children wanted to be construction workers and pretend to build using the lego set. The children have responded so well to this weeks theme and have been so confident in sharing ‘What they want to be when they grow up’.
The children also enjoyed ARAKAN Martial Arts with Mr.Daniel, transport play with the emergency stations, sensory playdough play with the scissors and paddle pop sticks, building shapes and patterns with the magnetic tiles, puzzle play, drawing on the chalkboards, grocery shop play and dancing and playing musical statues. What a super fun and busy day in the Senior Kindy room today…
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa and Miss Tatyana