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Welcome to Thursday!

This morning Kaylee and Ellie had a blast climbing the obstacle course that was set up in the outside class room area. They practiced their balance while walking from plank to plank. After some morning tea the children went over to the reading area, grabbed a book and then did quiet reading with each other until it was time for our Arakan lesson. The children absolutely love doing martial arts with Daniel because he makes us all have a laugh during our lesson while we play racing games and practice some martial arts combinations. We are getting better each time at knowing our right hand and left hand.

At group time, Miss TJ taught us a new song called ‘People all around the World’. This follows on our culture display that is slowly building in the class room on where all of our families are from. Thank you for handing in the Culture questionnaires on your families background. It is so great to see the different traditions and cultures that we have in Senior Kindy. If you would like another form let me know or if you have anything else you would like to bring in to share your culture, you are more than welcome! The song teaches us how to say Hello in three languages. Ni Hao (Chinese), Konnichiwa (Japanese) and Bula (Fijian).

Our friend Zahra was a very brave girl this morning visiting the Doctor for a blood test. Zahra shared with the children what she had to do at the doctors and her soft teddy that she received for being so brave. Well done Zahra! After this discussion the children went straight into playing doctors using the doctors kit and other props. We will be turning our home corner into a Doctors Surgery to extend on their love for role playing nurses, doctors and patients.

Extending on from our Tadpoles discovery yesterday in the yard drain, Miss TJ set up a play dough frog experience. We made green play dough and we brought out the life cycle of the Tadpole/frogs  play dough mats. The children investigated their mat and were discussing what they could see and what they know. Children’s voice:

Ellie- They turning into froggies. The tadpols hiding in the cave.

Zander- This ones going to be very very big (Zander was making tadpoles out of the dough). The mummy lays the eggs. Two weeks and they get legs. Two weeks and they get arms.

Asher- My frog is having eggs

We also  extended on the children’s love for role playing and cooking by adding some play dough, the tea party set and other kitchen tools to the table. This is a great experience for the children to interact with each other positively. Children’s voice:

Mia- Baby in the bath, wash!

Zahra- It’s storming, they hiding

Asher- Look at my face..Grumpy!

We also expanded on the doll house area by adding the furniture and dolls onto the table. Setting up our every day play experiences in different areas of the room expand the children’s ideas and imagination.

Kaylee- A cupcake. Look TJ!

Chihiro- Now where’s the pizza. This is hard work miss TJ

Over the next few weeks I would like to focus on self help skills. This is important for the children to accomplish daily tasks, build self worth and become independent. Today we practiced making our own beds. Some of us needed a bit of encouragement as it can be quit tricky to pull the sheets around the mattress. Everyone did such an amazing job and were so proud of themselves when they had completed their bed. We will continue to do other skills such as putting on our own shoes, washing our dishes, dressing ourselves, cleaning up our mess and using our cutlery to eat. You could try and encourage your child to carry their own bag into and out of kindy, putting it away in their locker and placing their water bottle into the basket.

Hope you all have a lovely afternoon

Miss TJ