Good afternoon friends and families,
This morning we welcomed Dominic, Luca, Archie, Lachlan, Hunter, Everly, Ella, Kennedy, Rumi, Finley and Zahra into the room, where we started the day outdoors. Today, the main interests outdoors were the building blocks, the swing, climbing up and down the net and moving the trucks around in the sandpit.
We then headed indoors where we sat down and read our new book called “somewhere in Australia” This fit in really well with our Aussie Day theme for the week. We then sang some songs, today we sang “the wheels on the bus” but Miss Bec would sing “the….” and the children took turns in saying something that what was on the bus. We then transitioned to the tables where we sat down for morning tea.
After morning tea, the children self selected what they would like to play with. Some chose to do some drawing, some chose dinosaurs, some chose to role play in home corner and some chose to read books. We then sat down for another group time, where we did our alphabet flash cards and practiced our abc’s. we then headed outdoors for a big play which we were all very exhausted after, we are all now fast asleep!
Happy Thursday!!
Love Miss Bec and Deb xx