Welcome to Thursday’s blog
Today we welcome 7 children to Senior Kindy. Out in the yard Mr G and Harvey spotted a caterpillar crawling along the grass. A group surrounded the caterpillar watching as it crawled along a leaf. Once inside the children went straight off to exploring around the room choosing resources to pull out and play with. It was really great to see the children comfortable on the space provided for them and playing really nicely together.
We brought out the lavender play dough again adding a basket of natural items. The children were using their imagination to create with the dough. Ayla said “I’m making pancakes”. Taran said “A frog” and she squished the dough between her hands. Harvey said “I made a birthday cake”.
Over at the tables we had the colourful bugs out again. This time the children had a go at sorting the bugs into what type of bug they were as well as on another piece of paper, sorting them into colours. The children are really getting the hang of sorting from this bug experience this week. We will continue to practice sorting using different resources and materials next week. Connor was really involved in the bug activity setting a goal for himself to find the “Orange spider”. After a big search he found it and matched it with the spider on the paper. Cohen soon got the idea of the game and enjoyed matching the colours.
We got given a lovely new chalk/white board easel this morning. The children tested it out but using chalk to draw on the black board. Hendrix was using the chalk pieces to shade on the board. Zachary was using the chalk to do long thin strokes from the top to the bottom of the board. Both Zachary and Hendrix loved using the eraser, watching it wipe away the chalk.
Mr Dan visited us for our Arakan Martial Arts lesson. Ayla is becoming more and more confident to join in which has been a huge step for her. The children knew exactly where to stand today and were amazing at listening to the instructions. They have so much fun using their bodies to do routines and it has been great practice for their hand eye coordination. At the end everyone showed off their muscles and then show Mr Dan how strong they are.
Before lunch Connor asked Miss TJ if we could she could read the “Goldilocks story” just like the other day, using the white board and pictures of the characters and objects to tell the story. Everyone joined together on the mat listening to Miss TJ. They giggled at the character deep and high voices and became very excited when the bears found Goldilocks in the bed.
Hope everyone has a lovely day further
Miss TJ and Mr G x