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It’s Thursday!

To start off our day we had a morning group time. Miss TJ read a story called ‘Amelia Goose’ which was a story about a goose that makes friends with a frog who lives in the pond. The children have been really interested in learning about the life cycle of a frog/tadpole. This morning Miss TJ asked the children individually what they knew about frogs. I was super proud of them all talking in front of their friends and sharing their knowledge. Children’s voice during discussion:

Asher- Mum lays the eggs and then they hatch

Ellie- They like little tadpoles and they turn into frogs

Zander- They grow legs and they grow arms

Kaylee- Tadpoles in the froggies tummy

Chihiro- They live in water. They get out of water and gloop gloop they tadpoles in the pools

Mia- They got eyes, big mouth, nose and four hands

Zahra- The tadpoles turn into froggies, it takes a long time

A few of a friends continue to show interest in singing nursery rhymes and music. Today we sat in a circle and played some musical instruments along to some of our favourite songs. The class had smiles on their faces and did an amazing job at sharing the instruments.

At activity time we continued on with our Frog interest by making our very own frogs using paper shape cut outs, pens and glue. The children used the glue to stick the arms and eye onto their circle body for the frog. Each frog looks unique and wonderful. We will display their masterpieces on the wall once they are dry.

On the other table we brought out the water tubs full of frogs, gems and lily pads for some water imaginative play. The children also chose to play with the small, medium and large picture puzzles to match, role playing families and doctors in the home area and exploring the bug sensory play.

Arakan Martial Arts was lots of fun. Today we learnt how to kick into the glove and block. The children always enjoy the running races!

Before lunch the children practiced their belly breathing on the mat while Miss TJ gently ran a rainbow blank of their bodies and slowly lifting it up. While doing this experienced we listened to some calming music. This really helped the children reset and get rid of any sillies before our transition to lunch and rest time. They all made their beds today too and were so proud of themselves! I’m proud of them too!

Have a great afternoon

Miss TJ