Happy Thursday!!
What a happy sunny day today we have had today.

Today has been an untypical day, unfortunately Miss TJ didn’t feel well to come to work today so she was relieved by Miss Gabi. We wish to Miss TJ get better soon, and we are missing her today.

The Senior Kindy children had a good time played outside in this morning. The warm weather meant the children enjoyed play with water in also in the sand pit.

Inside and in the morning teatime I had a nice talking with the children about what they would like to play today. Asher, Zander and Kaylee choose to play with a marble race track and Ellie and Zahra pick to play with home corner and hide and seek.

Also, in the morning time the children were invited to participated in the Arakan class with Mr Daniel they enjoyed the physical practice outside.

Miss Gabi set up tables with different activities.

In the playdough table the children using the tools and the cookie cutters to play with.

Ellie practice her cut skills she picks play with the scissor and cut all play dough.
Zander pick to play with the hammer and smash the play dough on the table.
Zahra made all flat and after that she cut it as little gingerbread man shape
Asher show how he knows to make a snake.
Kaylee made little balls with the playdough and tried to make a little ball to make the eyes for the little gingerbread man than Zahra was making.

While the children played in the play dough table Miss Gabi helps to make a Marble racetrack on the mat. They sort out all they problem solving skills building the track. They made in different ways and, they had a nice time as a group experience.

At the same time the kids exploring an imaginative play in the home corner. They explore self-help skills: such as dressing as a ballerina and pretending be a doctor or a patient.

At the group time we talked about number and in extension this learned Miss Gabi proposed to go outside and play “what is the time Mister Wolf?” this was a big laugh all the game. So much fun in this activity.

The Senior Kindy are so beautiful! They are always using kind words and looking out for each other.

The group plays so nicely together.  I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to relive TJ today.

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Gabi