07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Happy Tuesday!

It was amazing to welcome back even more of our friends today! We have missed you all last week. This morning the children spent their morning outdoors as usual with the Pre – kindergarten room. We have been introducing the children to indoor/outdoor play giving the children the opportunity to make their own choice to explore both environments. Extending on from yesterdays interest in rainbows we decided to implement some rainbow paintings outdoors in our trough. Miss Alicia set up a rainbow outline and the children were given some paints and brushes and chose which sections they wanted to paint with colour to create a colourful rainbow. The children really enjoyed this activity and interacted with one another with care. We would like to apologise as we were unable to capture this activity so there isn’t any photos today, we apologise again for any inconvienance. Thankyou all for a great day and we will see you all again tomorrow, love the senior kindy team 🙂