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Happy Tuesday!

Today in the Senior Kindy class we had 10 friends! This morning the children had a blast exploring the yard together. Ryan and Taran were enjoying the cool breeze while getting pushed on the large swing as they sat next to their siblings. Connor and Zachary asked very politely for “Big trucks” so that they could push around on the bark. Cohen was very intrigued by the builders on the other side of the fence moving wood around. Hendrix, Rosie and Ayla were running and sliding on the grass hill and enjoying some morning snuggles relaxing at the top of the hill.

Once inside we gathered on the circle mat choosing stories to read quietly while we waited for our friends to finish off their delicious morning tea. As we are focusing on getting to know each other we sat in a circle, taking turns of holding the tambourine and telling everyone our names. We said “Hello” to everyone before learning a new song that we introduced yesterday also called ‘Hello’ which welcomes everyone to kindy.

While asking the children what they would like to do today, their responses were:

Ayla- “Painting”

Zachary- “Dinosaur paint”

The children were all agreeing with Ayla and Zachary, asking for dinosaur painting. As our first group project, today we worked on painting our family tree which will be displayed on the wall. Incorporating the idea of painting with dinosaurs we grabbed a couple of our play dinosaur toys and stuck them in brown paint. The children took turns in putting on art smocks and using the dinosaurs to paint large pieces of paper. Eventually the painting of the paper turned from painting with the dinosaurs to painting with our hands which was a lot of fun! Joseph especially loved painting with his hands and making handprints onto the paper.

Our friends also enjoyed doing some free drawing on A4 paper with the large crayons, racing and collecting cars and trucks from our car box, role playing with the animals over on the grass small world play table and using our imagination to play in the home corner. Macy loved the animal play as we observed her using her voice to tell the story and talk for the characters.

We had a yummy lunch today where the children were showing off their “noodle faces”. Check out the cute pictures!

Hope you all have a lovely afternoon

Miss TJ