8 more sleep until Christmas!

Ellie and Zahra were being Tigers in the yard this morning, crawling along the ground and roaring! Ayla enjoyed playing with the cool water in the water trough. Lily had fun balancing along the steps, stepping one foot at a time with her hands out to help her. Jaxon found a motorbike to ride around the hill with a group of children.

Once inside, Jaxon chose to read ‘Po’s Tasty Training’ for our group time. The children then went and explored the room, choosing an activity to experience. The group were so excited to play with our new Shopping/pay station in the home corner. Everyone took turns at being behind the counter, scanning the items and taking payment and doing the shopping. It was a great experience for the children to work collaboratively and practice taking turns. Jaxon brought in some more cars for us to play with, Thank you so much Jaxon! Senior Kindy loved checking out the cars, matching them and rolling them around the mat. We also had Christmas mindfulness colouring in pages which was a great challenge for us to practice drawing between the lines and holding our crayons correctly. The children also enjoyed threading the white and red beads on a large pipe cleaner as a candy cane.

After an awesome group effort at cleaning up the room I noticed Ayla using the pillows as jumping stones, jumping from pillow to pillow like a frog. I thought we could extend on her game but making a line of pillows and taking turns at jumping like a frog, with two feet along the pillow to the end. Everyone gave it a go! It was a bit tricky to balance sometimes but we said that we need to slow down and do it one by one. What a great gross motor and fun experience. Thank you Ayla!

This afternoon Zahra shared her adventures with Bob the Sloth and also was kind enough to share some of her snowman decorated cookies that her and her Mum made from home. Thank you for sharing Zahra!

Hope you are all having a lovely week so far. Can you believe that tomorrow it will be one week until Christmas!

Miss TJ