Happy Tuesday

This morning at group time we sang along, very loud and proud to our Hello song and then 10 little Indians. Miss TJ then introduced Bob the Sloth to the class. Bob the Sloth is our travelling teddy who is welcome to come home with you one weekend. We encourage you to take photos of your adventures with Bob and share them with the class. We all had a snugly cuddle with Bob while Miss TJ told the children about Bob and some important rules. Ellie said, “I want to take him home”, then the whole class agree and said, “I want to take him home too”. Please let me know when you would like to take Bob home for a night or a couple of nights.  

It was time for activities! On the tables we had green play dough with bugs to squish into the dough and investigate, fine motor practice doing threading and home corner role playing doctors. We continued to do ‘About Me’ paintings, extending on from all our discussions at group time telling our friends our names, favourite colours and how old we are. We asked the children to paint a self portrait of themselves providing them with all the colours of the rainbow. Mia loved our new coffee machine today. We asked her what she was making in the kitchen and she replied saying “I’m making a drink, here you go” as she passed us a cup. Ella had fun using the thermometer from the doctors kit on the baby dolls. We are very proud of you Ella exploring around the room a bit more every day.

Children’s voice while painting:

Lily- “My name is Lily, I love in my house. My favourite colour is yellow”

Zander- “I’m making an O for my Daddy”

Ellie- “My favourite colour is green because I like it. My favourite thing.

Asher- “My favourite colour is red”

Zahra- “I’m making a rainbow stripes inside a big circle”

Children’s voice during play dough/ bug play:

Zander- “I made a frog because my play dough is green. Green is Asher’s favourite colour and mine is red”

Lily- “I made a long piece to match my long caterpillar”

Before lunch Asher asked if we could watch a story on the computer. Miss TJ put on a short story called, ‘The Gruffalo’ which is extending on the children’s fun with the Gruffalo story paper puppets yesterday. This was a beautifully calm experience for the children as they all chose a pillow and sat in a line next to one other, calming their bodies down from a lovely morning play.

Have a great afternoon

Miss TJ