Welcome to Tuesday’s blog.

This morning we had so much fun playing with the slimy blue goop tray that was set up under the tree. Messy play is always great to explore our senses and get a bit messy! Senior Kindy were very curious watching Mr Nick start to set up the new water pump by the rocks. We can’t wait for it to be finished for us to pump the water down the stream again. Our friends enjoyed a play together before having our morning tea together with Pre Kindy in the shade, on the grass. We then made our way to the garden area to choose some stories to read on our own or with a friend. Senior Kindy love having this time in the morning to relax and use their imagination. They enjoyed it so much that they wanted to do more reading when we came inside to the Senior Kindy room.

Our morning group time consisted of singing along to the feelings song we learnt yesterday which sings “There are many different feelings, and they’re all okay”. As the day went on I noticed a few of the children were singing along to the song. We also watched a short educational clip with our friend Elmo from Sesame Street, who helped us identify some of the feelings such as excited, angry, nervous, scared, happy and sad. The class has been showing great interest and enjoyment while learning about feelings. Making our way to activity time the children choose to play with the doll house at the table and grabbed out the fine motor building shape boards onto the mat. The group were making towers with their shapes, seeing how far they could go stacking them on top of each other before it fell down. We also put the ’emotion face swap and match’ game on another table which we played with yesterday, creating a fun experience for the children to match the emotions or create their own emotions with the top and bottom half of the faces.  I would like to focus on building on the children communication and language skills over the next few weeks, providing opportunities to build on their confidence to talk and interact with their peers and teachers. The doll house role playing was great today as the children were using their imagination to tell stories. Macy and Luna were telling stories together and communicating well! Another activity that built on their communication and language skills was some one on one time with myself, flicking through the emotion question cards that we touched on yesterday. I asked the children how the person is feeling in the picture and why they might be feeling that way. It was such a great experience listening to the children’s ideas and seeing a lot of them come out of their shell, talking so much more! Lastly we put the light box on with the bugs for the children to explore!

Senior Kindy have had a lovely rest and are excited to read ‘Ten Tricky Dinosaurs’ this afternoon for our group time which is focused on our numeracy skills.

Hope everyone has a safe and great afternoon

Miss TJ x