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Happy Tuesday families and friends…

This morning the Senior Kindy enjoyed an extended play in the great outdoors, staying warm in the sun and having fun with peers. Connor enjoyed play with the sea creatures in the green water as he measured and poured the water using the funnel. Christopher engaged in role play with the doll house as he pretended the dollhouse family were sleeping on the little couches. Bjorn and Harper took a ride on the 3-wheeler bike as they made their way through the tunnel and Cohen and Lachlan practiced their climbing and balancing skills on the climbing frame.

The children then transitioned indoors for our ‘Acknowledgement to Country’ and morning songs. After morning tea the children were excited to make their way to home corner to cook, wash dishes and role play with the baby dolls. Home corner has become one of the children’s favourite play experinces in the past few weeks as they identify and negotiate roles, engage in conversation and use their imagination. Luna and Harper enjoyed sorting and matching the animal magnets on the whiteboard. The children worked together to find the pairs and gave each other a ‘high five’ when they discovered a match. Latika and Taran engaged in play with the animal felt boards. The children identified and labelled farm and zoo animals as they played.

Yarn time today the children all settled on the mat  to share some new books from Miss Leesa’s collection. Today we shared a story about ‘Bluey’ and his family at the Beach and a book entitled ‘Baa Baa Blue Sheep’, a story about ‘the master’, ‘the dame’ and the ‘little boy who lived down the lane’ learning to share all the bags of wool.

Other play experinces today included role play with the new doll house, transport play, construction play and sharing books with Miss Danica from the book shelf.

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Danica