Happy Tuesday friends and family!
The Senior Kindy children had a great morning play exploring the yard. They enjoyed climbing on the new climbing cage and searching in the vegetable garden for vegetables that were ready to eat. We noticed that the capsicum tree is starting to grow the tops of the capsicums. During our morning relaxing reading time we borrowed some book from the kindergarten room. The children absolutely love this time after morning tea to sit down with their friends and enjoy conversations about the story that they have chosen. Miss TJ then asked the children what they would like to play with today? Here are their responses:
Zander- Home corner
Ellie- Draw with the pens
Asher- Read books
Kaylee- Lego
Jaxon- Cars
Lily- Watch television and hold teddy bears
From the children’s awesome ideas we planned our day. We brought out the cars and made a road/town using a large piece of paper and drawing the roads and signs. We also placed the new Lego set on the table which the children loved flicking through the Lego book for inspiration. For our Halloween craft today and extending on their ghost feet that they made last week we made ghosts using paper, cotton wool, glue and pens. The children designed their Ghosts face using the pens and then used the glue and cotton wool to turn it into a ghost look alike. As the children have been enjoying talking about our emotions we asked them how their ghost was feeling. Children’s responses:
Asher- Suprised
Zander- Sad
Kaylee- Grumpy
Ellie- Pumpkin face. Sad
Lily- A go away one
Jaxon- Happy
The children also explored in the home corner area finding dress ups and role playing families and friends.Before lunch we sat down as a group and Miss TJ showed the children a book set called ‘When I’m feeling’. The book set has angry, jealous, sad, happy, kind, lonely and scared chapters. Today the children all chose to read ‘When I’m feeling scared’ which is suitable as Halloween is just a few days away. During the book it reassures us that we are all scared of something, it is okay to be scared and most of the time the thing we are scared of is not that scary at all. We had a group discussion, sharing our thoughts on what makes us feel scared. I would like to continue to go through each chapter over the next few weeks and give the children the opportunity to express their feelings and stories.
Hope you all had a lovely day today and have a great afternoon further
Reminder: Halloween Dress up day on Thursday and Halloween party from 5pm (Thursday 31st October)
Miss TJ