Happy Tuesday
This morning we had a lovely picnic outside under the tree before making our way inside to have a group time. Lily pointed out that the room had had a change around. Ellie and Kaylee helped me yesterday to change a few things around to open up the room a bit more and expand on some play environments. We read ‘I went walking’ and named all the animals and the colours of each animal. Asher and Zander were so excited to share their Gingerbread house that they made with their family over the weekend. It looks so amazing! We can see how much effort they put into decorating the house. Zander and Asher stood up in front of the class and told us all about how they made it and how they may have snuck in a few treats while making it. The children then walked around the room exploring the new environments and choosing something to play with or contribute to.
Extending on Asher and Zander’s Gingerbread house decorating we decided to do our very own Gingerbread house craft where the children used foam shapes, colourful sticks and confetti to decorate a paper house cut out.
At another table we continued to do Christmas lights finger painting from yesterday. The children also chose to play together in the Home corner area where they took care of the baby dolls and role-played families. Lily also wrote her letter to Santa today and sent it in the mailbox that is in the office area. We are hoping to get a reply from Santa soon.
Before lunch we introduced our Elf on the shelf who was hiding up on the pot plant that’s hanging from the ceiling. We watched a short clip that told us the story of Elf on the Shelf. We learnt that Elf is watching everyone to report back to Santa if you have been good or not a very good listener. The children did an amazing job at making their own beds today. Some started to give up but words of encouragement helped them to push through and keep trying. SO proud of the big Senior Kindy children.
We are so excited to try Zander and Asher’s Gingerbread house this afternoon
Have a lovely day
Miss TJ