Hello families and friends and welcome to ‘Terrific Tuesday’ in the Senior Kindy room.
Today we continued on with celebrated our wonderful mummies as we shared more lovely story books all about how special our mums are to us and why we should love and appreciate all they do, as we prepare for Mother’s Day this Sunday. Yarn time we shared a story entitled ‘Mummies are Amazing’. Harper, Christopher, Lachlan and Ryan helped identity all the fabulous things mummies do for their families as displayed in the story book including, going grocery shopping to buy yummy food for our meals, giving us medicine when we feel sick, planning amazing parties for our birthdays and taking us on fun outings like going to the beach. Harper said, ‘my mummy and nanny take me to the beach’. Ryan then requested to share the other stories about mummies from last week including ‘I love my mummy’ and ‘Thanks Mum’. Latika and Luna then joined in on the conversation as we discussed and shared something special we could all do for our mum’s this Sunday. Miss Leesa suggested that the children could help make breakfast for their mum. Lachlan contributed by saying ‘ I can get juice for mum’. Miss Leesa also reminded the children that they will need some help from another adult in the house to prepare breakfast or even help mum prepare a yummy breakfast. Tomorrow we will continue on with celebrated our mummies as we make some special cards to accompany our presents.
Other play experiences today included sharing the felt stories and puppets on the felt boards. Miss Leesa and the children sang ‘5 Little Speckled Frogs’, ‘5 Little Dragon Flies’ and ‘Galomp’. Lachlan requested the transport stations and accessories and Latika requested construction play with the rainbow stacking pegs. The children displayed wonderful teamwork today as they practiced playing in small groups and pairs to share the resources and learn to take turns. This will be one of our goals for this month as we all get to know each other better and learn to share and take care of each other.
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa