Hello families and friends…
Well… What a super fun day of learning and play in the Senior kindy room today. We started our day with our morning Yarn Time including our Acknowledgment to Country, Good morning song and a story entitled ‘Mermaid’ a book about a little girl who helped her friend overcome her fear of water and swimming at the beach. Harper then chose ‘5 Currant Buns’ to sing to transition to wash hands for morning tea. After morning tea we decided it would be fun to have a ‘creative day’ of painting, drawing, singing and dancing.
Miss Leesa prepared the easels as the children independently chose a paint shirt to put on with a little help from their friends. The children had a wonderful time using the thick brushes to paint while some friends drew beautiful pictures on the other easel using crayons. Ryan and Bjorn were both very proud once they had covered their entire page in paint. Millie and Christopher drew together and both decided their pictures were ‘rainbows’. Miss Leesa suggested that we might see a rainbow in the sky after the rain stops and the sun comes out. Myla and Latika expressed their creativity using the water colour paints. Myla requested ‘more paper please’ when she had completed her first painting. Millie joined in on the water colour painting experience and started painting her hands and fingers and creating patterns on her page with her finger prints. Myla decided she would have a go and paint with her hands and fingers too.
Lachlan decided he was content to engage in role play experiences today as he happily played with the doll house and then made his way to the mat to race the emergency vehicles down the wooden ramp. Lachlan’s friend Bjorn joined in on the play as the children played follow-the-leader, driving the cars all over the classroom furniture. Miss Leesa then added the wooden train tracks to the children’s transport play and more friends joined in to build a big long train track with Miss Jordan, all the way up the hallway. The children displayed wonderful teamwork skills as they gathered all the track pieces and joined them together one by one.
The children then helped pack away all of our resources as we gathered on the mat for felt story time. Today we shared one of our favourites – ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?’ Other play experiences today included matching the animal magnets, collecting the pom poms with the tongs, grocery shop play in home corner, puzzle play, role play with the dinosaur figurines and songs and dances with actions including sleeping bunnies and dingle dangle scarecrow. What a fabulous day of indoor play at kindy today…
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa and Miss Jordan