Welcome to Wednesday 😊

What a fun morning we had chasing each other around, hiding in the tunnel and catching Miss TJ and Mr G. It is so lovely to see our Senior Kindy class playing with each other outside, interacting positively and involving each other in games.  We had a lovely picnic in the outside classroom, enjoying the nice breeze coming through the net.

Once inside we made our way over to our quiet reading time. The children were so excited as Miss TJ had bought some brand-new books. We have two new Dinosaur books, a touch and feel book and many more. The children chose to read “Dinosaurs explore” which was a fun push, pull and slide book that taught us some of the names of the Dinosaurs and what they eat.  We practiced counting all the way up to 15 again, using our fingers to help us count slowly. Before exploring our morning activities, Miss TJ showed the children the diggers/trucks that we were going to play with again today, extending on the children’s love from vehicles. We pointed to each Tonka truck and asked the children what their names were. Joseph could tell us that one was called a “Dump truck” and Tate told us that another one was called an “Excavator” very clever friends. As a group we went through and named each Tonka trunk.

Senior Kindy had so much fun exploring the sand trough full of trucks and rocks. They were filling up the trays with sand and moving them around the table. There were plenty of vehicle noises going around the table and the children were playing alongside and with each other so nicely.

Miss Nads was very kind to cut up some cardboard from a cardboard box to use as a different painting tool for painting today. It’s always so much fun to reuse items in our play. Senior Kindy have been enjoying our reusing activities such as using recycled items to play music and build with. Today the children were stamping and smoothing the paint on their large piece of paper, using the square cardboard cut outs. They came our great and will look very colourful on our walls.

On the last table we borrow Miss Gabi’s doll house as we know the children enjoy role playing with figurines and animals. On the large mat we used a big car mat for the children to roll around on and play with cars as this morning they asked very politely to play with cars today.

The small group that went over to soccer had a blast.  Today their main focus was to dribble to ball along the ground. They love kicking the ball! When they came back into the room they were excited to tell their peers all about their lesson and showed off their big stickers.

Have a great afternoon

Miss TJ and Mr G x