The Senior kindy children were happy little vegemites today. Very excited to see their friends arriving to kindy and playing so nicely. This morning we only had a short outside play as the air is still quite smokey and not good for our bodies. We enjoyed the outside play practicing our rolly polly’s on the soft mats, making sure to tuck our chin to our chest. Ellie, Kaylee and Chihiro also started up a game of ‘Whats the time Mr Wolf?’ which is a great numeracy game.
We came straight inside to start our activities chosen by the children. Zander asked if we could play with the animals. We set up the grass and other nature materials on one table with the animals. I have noticed that the children really love playing with the fairy garden small world set up and any small figurine experiences where they can role play and use their imagination to tell stories. Lily and Chihiro asked if they could play with the fairy garden. Ella and Lily started playing a game where they passed each other one of the small hedgehog creatures from our fairy garden. That laughed and giggled as they share the hedgehog. What a lovely moment and a great friendship!
Asher and a lot of the children in Senior kindy have also been enjoying the construction activities. Today we brought out the Lego and the long pieced building blocks. Asher made a machine that sprays water. Its amazing what the children can create!
Ellie and Kaylee asked if we could play with the clay again from yesterday. Today they were professional, wetting their hands to help them mold the clay. The clay experience is really great for strengthening their fine motor skills. If anyone has any sculpting tolls at home that you would like to share, it would be greatly appreciated.
At group time today we firstly sang along to ‘Hello’, ‘Skinner Marinky’ and ‘Wheels on the Bus’ (our new favourite). MIss TJ explained to the children that today we celebrate WORLD KINDNESS DAY. Being kind is using nice words, caring for our friends and family and looking after our planet. We watched a short educational clip from sesame street where children told us how to be KIND. During the clip the children began to give each other big cuddles. it was very sweet! Afterwards we took turns in saying something KIND to our friend next to us. Children’s voice:
Zander being kind to Chihiro- “I like her hair and hair ties”
Chihiro to Ellie- “I like you Ellie”
Ellie to Ella- “You’re my best friend”
Ella gave Asher and big big big hug which put a smile on Asher’s face
Asher to Lily-” I like your T-shirt”
Lily to Kaylee- “I love you”
Kaylee to Zander- “You’re my friend”
Such beautiful compliments everyone! I gave the children a task to be kind and give someone at home a compliment. Telling someone something kind puts a big smile on their face and makes them feel good.
Have a great afternoon
Miss TJ