Hello friends!
This morning we welcomed all of our friends into the yard where we spent the morning playing, exploring, role playing and adventuring. Out main interest in the outdoor environment at the moment is home corner and riding the bikes and scooters. Once all of our friends had arrived, we headed indoors where we sat down for group time. Today, we rolled the number dice, and did an action the amount of times rolled on the dice, for example jump 5 times, touch your head 2 times etc.
After morning tea, the children sat on the mat where we sang some nursery rhymes. We sang songs including the wheels on the bus, the ABC”s and we practiced our counting to 20. We then transitioned to the tables for activities. Out activities today involved lots of different things. On one table, we had playdough, having the children manipulate it into different shapes and objects. On another table we had lego. The children really enjoyed making tall towers. Some of the children made their own houses and villages, saying “my house is next to yours cause your my best friend”. This was really sweet. On our third table we had a counting activity with Miss Bec. The children used coloured counters and put them into the paper jar. Miss Bec then asked, how many are there in the jar? The children 1 by 1 took turns at counting the coloured counters. Most children did really well at this, and even got into the teens. On the fourth table, we had a painting activity, with stamps. Senior Kindy had the opportunity to free play as well as roam between the activities. We finished off our morning with the clean up song and a dance party. We then spent the rest of the morning outdoors, and ran off some energy. Miss Bec even raced us around teh bike track on the scooter!
What a great Wednesday!
Just some notes:
On Monday the 19th (next week) we will be having pajama day so come to kindy in your coziest pj’s. Also a reminder about our family tree, to bring in your favourite family photo.
Love Miss Bec, Miss Tayla and Miss Aaliyah x