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Happy Wednesday families and friends…

Today in the Senior Kindy room the children were excited to share a special book that our friend Ryan brought along for Yarn Time all about Australian animals. The children discovered several Australian animals that they had never heard of before including a bandicoot, frilled-neck lizard and a kingfisher bird. The children decided their favourite animals from the book were the kookaburra, red-bellied black snake and the wallaby. The Senior Kindy friends have really been enjoying this weeks theme and were keen to engage in the planned art experience including creating footprint patterns using the Australian animal figurines and the purple and green paint. The children pretended that the wombat and koala were walking through the bush like the animals in the ‘Wombat Went-a-Walking’ story book that we have been sharing this week. The children then chose their favourite individual animal as they role-played and pretended to be that animal as they transitioned to play.

Other play experiences today included transport play with the emergency stations, baby doll play with the bottles and blankets, animal puzzle play, sensory playdough play with the rollers and hammers, drawing animals on the chalkboards, building farms with the lego and continuing on with learning new songs and rhymes including ‘Home among the Gum Trees’ and ‘Mr. Clicketty Cane’.

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Tatyana