Happy Wednesday!
This morning our friends spent their morning in the small side yard, climbing on the obstacle course, building towers using the blocks and playing with the ball. Once all of our friends has arrived, we moved into the bigger yard to make room for soccer. Some of our friends then participated in their soccer lesson before heading indoors for morning tea.
After morning tea, we sat down for a group time. For group time today, we read “Look at me, look at me”. A book about a chameleon who changes colour and wants to look special. The children learnt about ow a chameleon changes colour and how they blend in to catch their prey. We then sang some songs, counted to 20 and sang the alphabet before transitioning to our activity.
This week is Science week and this year, the theme is “food”. Today we made edible paint using flour, water and different scented extract oils. The paint smelt amazing. The children then finger painted all over the paper, making different hand and finger prints. Once done, they washed their hands in a soapy container. The children had a blast! We then continued the morning with free play outdoors. We had a reading corner under the trees, cooking in home corner, swinging on the swing and riding the bikes around the track.
What an amazinf Wednesday!
Next week is book week. We would love to see all of you dressed up in different book characters and we can’t wait!
Love Bec, Alicia and Aaliyah x