It is becoming very exciting as we prepare for the new year. Today we spent the day in the new Senior Kindy room, which was very exciting. The children couldn’t wait to come inside after our morning play and explore the room. First up we had some delicious fruit and yogurt for morning tea then made our way to the book nook to do some quiet reading while we waited for our friends to finish their food. Chihiro asked if we could play some music today so we played a Christmas playlist full of familiar songs. We played the music while we enjoyed the open space and interacting which each other in all areas of the room.

While exploring our activity we bopped and boogied to the music. The group enjoyed the new shopping station and were great at taking turns and helping each other. The children also chose to pull out the cars and car mat, role play with the small fairies and creatures on the grass blocks and drew amazing colourful pictures with the pens. For our Christmas craft we painted Christmas trees using thick brushes to paint the paint or paint our hands to stamp onto the paper. We then used different shaped sponges to do dot painting over our Christmas tress to give them baubles.

To finish of an amazing and calm morning, Miss TJ had a surprise for the class. We sat down on the mat where Miss TJ told the children that we were going to watch a movie and have POPCORN! The group smiled and screamed with excitement. We watched some of ‘Arthur’s Christmas’ while we munched on our cups of popcorn.

Thank you to Lily who shared candy canes with the class today. They have been placed in everyone’s bags to have at home. Very thoughtful Lily!

Have a great afternoon

Miss TJ