Happy Wednesday
This morning during our outside play the children gravitated towards the animals, cars and sensory trough up in the fort. Ellie, Lily and Chihiro were moving the animals to each farm and feeding them some food using the bark as the food. We came inside to the lovely cool room after getting a bit hot outside. We joined together on the mat, sitting in a circle. This week we celebrate ‘Nursery rhymes week’ and in honour of the celebrations we played musical instruments along to some of our favourite nursery rhymes. Wheels on the bus, Incy Wincy spider and Mary had a little lamb.
Activity time was so much fun. We had free painting on one of the tables with all the colours of the rainbow. We asked the children what they were painting and here are their responses:
Chihiro- It’s a colourful car
Lily- It’s a pink car
Ellie- Yellow and blue and green and red
Kaylee- It’s smiley faces
Zander- It’s a nanna and a mango and an apple
Asher- A gecko and ninja
The children have been asking to play with play dough so we made a fresh batch this morning. We added fun play dough tools for the children to cut, shape and roll the dough with. IT great listening to the children telling each what that create. Here are the children’s voices:
Asher- Smells like banana. That’s the nose and eyes.
Zander- I’m cutting it into the hole
Kaylee- Cutting it into the hole.
Chihiro- look what I made. It’s a star. (Singing Frozen) We could be the best buddies!
Zander- Look at my duck
Before lunch Chihiro chose a story for us to read as a group to relax our bodies and listen to. She chose a story called “You’re a big brother”. This started a group discussion on how many brother and sisters we have and if they were older or younger then us.
Next week I would like to give the children the opportunity to have water play. It would be great if you can pack swimmers and a towel for the week as there may be some spontaneous water play.
Have a great afternoon
Miss TJ