Happy Wednesday!

This morning Ellie and Harley were showing off their costumes for BOOK WEEK! Ellie was Little Red Riding Hood and Harley was dressed as Batman. It was a wonderful morning play watching more friends arrive and checking out their awesome costumes. Zander and Asher were having so much fun together in the sandpit with the pots, pans and mugs pouring the sand. Zander said “We are having a tea party, can you sit with us TJ? We are making pancakes with Daddy, next week we come to your house and make some”. Asher said “I’m making pancakes for lunch” while he used a mug to flatten the sand in his pan. Harley was enjoying running around the yard watching his cape fly up in the wind. Harley then joined Kaylee on the grass hill running up and sliding back down repeatedly. Ellie has been a bit nervous to go down the big slides, so today Miss TJ offered to go with her. Ellie held on tight while sitting on Miss TJ’s lap and smiled with joy all the way. “The slide is fast, lets go on the other one” Once we did it a couple times Ellie ventured up the fort and went down the slide all by herself. We were all cheering for Ellie. Well done Ellie!

Once inside we had some morning tea and then went over to the mat for a group time. As we celebrate BOOK WEEK our friend Ellie brought “The little red riding hood” story to share with the class. Miss TJ stood back while Ellie sat on the chair in front of her friends who were sitting beautifully on the mat practicing to sit like ‘Listening Lucy” while she read them the story. IT was so great to see the children with their full attention on Ellie while she flipped through the pages explaining what was happening and showing the children the pictures. “Watch out, I’ve got sharp teeth” she said when on the page of the Wolf pretending to be the Grandmother. Kaylee then started to sing “Baby shark doo doo”. The other children joined Kaylee in on the song”. Ellie then said “The End”. Miss TJ read the story later in the day before lunch.

At activity time the children had free choice. Asher, Zander and Harley chose to draw with the crayons. Kaylee was exploring our home corner playing shops and babies. Kaylee grabbed her Rapunzel dress up from her bag to show off to her friends saying “I’m Rapunzel”. Ellie was investigating our animal sensory grass table. The children also enjoyed our car mat and coloured pin boards too.

Hope you all have a lovely afternoon

Miss TJ