What a lovely Wednesday morning we had today playing outside with each other. The children were so excited to see Chihiro and Zahra come in for a play today. The children enjoyed some Halloween paint colours to paint on the easels under a nice match of shade from the tree. Chihiro and Kaylee were dancing together over at the vegetable secret garden. Ella soon joined the two girls to throw the tennis ball around.

Coming inside we sat on the mat and sang a long to our new favourite song called ‘Days of the week’. We practiced counting with our fingers and clapping in time with the tune. Miss TJ then read the children the next chapter in the ‘When I’m feeling’ series of books. Today we read ‘When I’m feeling kind’ which was a great story as it told us how we can be kind to each other and kind to ourselves by eating healthy food, exercising and getting plenty of sleep. Our goal for the day was to use kind words and be kind to everyone.

Continuing with the Halloween fun, today the children got their hands messy in some Goop play. In pairs the children took turns at exploring the messy goop feel. We added snakes, spiders and other insects into the goop to go with the spooky theme. They had a blast feeling the slimy texture and watching what happens to it when they move it around.

Over on the craft table the children made spooky mummies. Miss TJ explained that sometime for Halloween some people dress up as a mummy where they wrap themselves in something like toilet paper. All the children giggled a couldn’t wait to make their mummy out of cardboard body shape, masking tape for the wrap and two googly eyes. Using the tape was quite tricky but the children loved the experience. They used their fine motor skills and hand eye coordination to carefully place the tape over their paper. They look very cute!

The last table had a pumpkin emotion matching game. The children also enjoyed a bit of free play around the room where they played fairy tale stories, role playing certain characters like a princess and the big bad wolf.  Before lunch Asher and Zander asked if we could go and have a play in the sandpit. The class all agreed, so we made our way over under the fort and into the nice cool sand. The children buried Miss TJ’s feet, swung on the swings and dug big holes using the spades. We had a running race on the way back to the classroom to let out any sillies!

The children were amazing at using kind words today and were great helpers! Miss TJ is very proud of all the children and how far they have come.

Don’t forget Halloween dress up tomorrow and Halloween party tomorrow night from 5pm

Have a great afternoon

Miss TJ